Friday, August 16, 2013

Quick & Easy Harvest Pork Skillet + War Paint

Had the day off today, well sorta.  So much going on at work it is nearly impossible to truly disconnect.  I do feel like I have work/life balance though.

My personal stuff flows into my job and my job flows into my life.  Being flexible and not drawing a line in the sand and being ok with it has allowed me to get stuff done and keep my sanity.

This morning was a total cluster though.  First time ever I had off and there was a miscommunication and my poor dad came down to watch the kids.  Since he was down I left him to watch the big kids while I ran off with the baby at 8 AM to get my Starbucks, pick up pork chops for tonight's dinner (because like an idiot I ignored the package I bought on Sunday which had a sell by date of Wed so it was garbage today -more on that later), went to the bank.

Dropped perishables and a coffee off with my dad and then hit the road again.  9:30 was at a toy store to look at Alex crafts since their facebook page announced you would get a free gift with a purchase -- of course the store didn't have the free gift, so that was a waste - but picked up 2 crafts for the big boys anyway.

Then off to 10 AM doc with the baby.  Yep, all that by 10 AM!  It is a lot of running around I know.
After doc went to visit my mother-in-law quick, then home to let my dad leave.

By 12:30 I had lunch cooking for the kids and then after lunch put baby down for a nap and set big kids up with a painting train craft.  I had a work call at 1:30 so thought I was genius to plan this so I could have my call in peace.

But no, I was not a genius.  Instead of painting the trains the kids took off their shirts and painted their belly buttons and gave themselves war paint.  It was a sight!

Tried to do a little work for my job while they played outside, but it was hard.

Then made dinner and my husband took older ones to see Planes.  Baby is sleeping, I cleaned up and am waiting for brownies to cool so I can make cake pops for my niece's 5th birthday party which is tomorrow.
It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Next week at work is sure to be intense, but after that I have off and am looking forward to being with my men by the shore -- we all need it.

Anyway, back to the expired pork that I had to throw out - I didn't "get it done" and I wasted time and
money. I know better, but it was a crazy week and it happens.  

Get it Done Tip: As soon as you get in your groceries check the expiration date against your meal plan.  If the sell by date is prior to your schedule either move the recipe on your calendar or put the item in the freezer (if possible) so it doesn't go bad.  I know sell by date means it could be good the next day, but I skeeve that.

On to DINNER!   I am still on this major Fall kick (wait until you hear about my plans for Sunday dessert!). I made something that almost looks like last night's dinner, but it wasn't and it was really good!  This is taken from Gooseberry Patch's Quick and Easy Autumn Cookbook.
We all enjoyed it and so simple to make.

Harvest Pork Skillet

4 boneless pork chops, diced
2 tbs oil
12-oz jar pork gravy
2 T ketchup
8 redskin potatoes, diced
2 cups frozen mixed vegetables (I apparently was out so used frozen peas instead)

In large skillet over medium heat, brown pork chops in oil. 
Stir in gravy, ketchup and potatoes.
Cover and simmer 10 minutes.
Stir in vegetables.
Cook for 10-15 minutes longer until vegetables are tender and pork is cooked through.
Serve with a salad and dinner is done!

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